Setting Up a Fixed Length Barcode Parsing Rule

Note: In order to add a barcode parsing rule, the role of the logged-in user must have edit access to the Barcode Parsing feature.

The barcode parsing rule is added to the default division of the logged-in user. To add a fixed length barcode parsing rule and apply it to a field or fields in IntelliTrack Mobile, please see the steps that follow.

  1. Select Mobile> Barcode Parsing Rules from the navigation pane.
  2. The Barcode Parsing Rules page appears. Select the Add icon.Add Icon
  3. The Add Rule form appears.

Add Rule

  1. Name field (required): enter a name for the rule in this field.
  2. Select the Using Fixed Length Barcode option, to set up a fixed length parsing rule. This rule will dictate the barcode that is scanned for the assigned field based upon the barcode length, start position, and stop position.
  3. Barcode Length field (required): enter the total barcode length in this field.
  4. Start Position field (required): Enter the Start Position value in the Start Position field. This is the starting point of the scanned barcode.
  5. End Position field (required): Enter the End Position value in the End Position field. This is the ending point of the scanned barcode.
  6. Applies To field: to apply this parsing rule to a field or fields in the mobile application, mark the checkbox to the left of the Field option. For example, to apply a rule to the Item Number field, mark the checkbox to the left of the Item Number option in the Field list.

  1. To save the barcode parsing rule, select the Save icon to close the Add Rule form and return to the Barcode Parsing Rules page. The new rule is listed in the page's grid. (If you do not want to save this rule, select the Cancel icon to close the Add Rule form, discard the information entered into it, and return to the Barcode Parsing Rules page.)
  2. To implement the rule in IntelliTrack Mobile:
    1. IntelliTrack Mobile Batch: To implement the rule in the batch application, download the data and then log out/log into the mobile application.
    2. IntelliTrack Mobile RF: To implement the rule in the RF application, log out/log into the mobile application.